The State of the Book
We appreciated the positive feedback from readers of both editions of The Wireless Networking Starter Kit (WNSK), but sales of the second edition released in 2004 didn't warrant further revision. In 2007, we made that second edition available as a free download (14 MB, PDF). While it's now years out of date, there's some good fundamental information in there.
In memory of this book, we've written three new electronic books, which are regularly revised, that update and extend large amounts of the material. Follow the links to read the tables of contents, download samples, purchase books, and find out more. Significant discounts are available when you purchase two or more together.
Take Control of Your 802.11n AirPort Network covers using Apple's latest, fastest AirPort and Time Capsule technology to its best advantage, including mixing older and newer Wi-Fi gear, and designing the best network architecture for homes and small offices. Includes details for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, 10.4 Tiger, Windows XP, and Windows Vista setup. Covers simultaneous dual-band base stations. Read more...
Updated May 2009 (version 1.5)
265 pages, $15.00, downloadable
Take Control of Your Wi-Fi Security is an adapted, updated, and much expanded version of the security parts of WNSK, including specific advice for securing small office networks, and all of the latest information on WPA and WPA2 security. Read more...
Updated April 2009 (version 1.6)
108 pages, $10.00, downloadable
Take Control of Your AirPort Network focuses on Apple Wi-Fi networking prior to the 802.11n base station released in Feb. 2007, including how to run AirPort base stations and how to connect to an AirPort network from many different platforms, including Mac OS 9, Windows, and Mac OS X 10.2 and later. Read more...
Updated Sept. 15, 2005
161 pages, $10.00, downloadable